Bottles And Jar Packaging


Bottles And Jar Packaging

Zypharma offers bottling solutions for solid-dose products: tablets, capsules, caplets, soft gels and gel caps. We help companies of different sizes with their product bottle filling and bottle sample packaging. Zypharma is a dedicated, contract manufacturing and packing company and is committed to your success. We follow your instructions precisely, and work in a clean environment to keep your product safe and contaminate free.

Our State-of–The-art Facilities Contain Several Innovations, Including:
  • High-speed, fully-automated bottle filling lines contain bottle unscrambler, Electronic Counters, Cotoners, Cappers, induction sealers and full sleeve shinkers.
  • Semi-automated bottling lines to meet short-run production needs
  • Precision labeling with automatic in-line printing of lot number and expiration date
  • Off-line, in-house label printing capabilities