Fulfilment and Drop Shipment Service

Fulfilment And Drop Shipment Service

We offer the following services in our cGMP compliant fulfillment warehouse and manufacturing facility:

  • Storage & warehousing
  • Pick pack
  • Order fulfillment
  • Small package shipping, domestic and international
  • Competitive Freight Shipping, LTL and FTL service
  • B2B shipping following specific customer routing guidelines
  • B2C shipping through Amazon or similar portals
  • Specialized Barcode label printing and package placement. UCC 128 and EDI compliant barcodes.

We have established systems to ship and track all your orders. We have an experienced team of fulfillment and logistics professionals who understand the entire Supply Chain. We look forward to partnering with you and exceeding your expectations. Our focus on Quality First is what sets our Shipping and Fulfillment operation apart from the competition. developing a turn-key service for your business.