Stand Up Bags


Stand Up Bags

Best used when larger serving packages are needed without the need of bulky bottles. Has very appealing shelf presence and can be packaged with or without a scoop.
Unlimited Size, material and print capabilities Stand-up bags/pouches are an increasing in popularity as a packaging option. It is very convenient, flexible, consumer -friendly package.

The Bags/Pouches can be re-sealable or single use, stand-up or made to hang, and can formed with solid material or clear material to view the contents. There are multiple graphic options from 1 color to 8 colors depending on your marketing needs.

Form-Fill-Seal and Pre-Made Bag/ Pouches are a flexible packaging option that is designed to contain a pre-measured serving of, powder or granules. Based on volume, size, and product appearance, these pouches can be produced to utilize our highly automated form/fill/seal equipment.

Stand-Up Gusset Bag Pouches are a flexible package option that is designed to contain a pre-measured serving of powder, or granules for multiserve application.